Embrace the Suck

The biggest lie we have been told is that discomfort is a bad thing. Discomfort is the best damn thing that could ever happen to you. When we’re kids, we love to try new things. Sure, there’s the kids who cry at the thought of doing anything new, but for the most part they willContinue reading “Embrace the Suck”

Renew Your Spirit By Spending Time Outside

The older I get, the more I start to understand why parents would push us off technology when we were kids. (I won’t get on a tangent of how more of our parents are addicted to technology than we are now…) Don’t get me wrong – I love technology. I run my entire business throughContinue reading “Renew Your Spirit By Spending Time Outside”

How to change your life – what to do with time off

With more people home than ever before, it’s put a lot of people in the position to start looking at their downtime. While this blog is not a fan of the “work yourself to death” mentality, it is a believer in the idea that you should be maximizing your time as much as possible. TimeContinue reading “How to change your life – what to do with time off”

How Theodore Roosevelt Read So Many Books

Few presidents, actually few people, read at the same rate as Theodore Roosevelt. It was said he not only could read a few books a day, but he actually could finish one before breakfast every morning. He is known for reading thousands of books throughout his lifetime, from a wide variety of genres and languages.Continue reading “How Theodore Roosevelt Read So Many Books”

How to Do A Life Audit So You Can Have A Great Year

Financial audits are rarely fun, but life audits certainly can be. What most people do when they think about what they want out of life is to beat themselves up for everything they haven’t done and all the things they haven’t accomplished. If you do that, this journey will not be fun and you’ll onlyContinue reading “How to Do A Life Audit So You Can Have A Great Year”

Take Action Before Analyzing

The worst thing you could ever do to a goal or dream is to keep planning it forever. Every month, you get a burst of inspiration, pull out the dry erase boards, and map out all your big plans. You follow through on them for maybe a day or two. Then, momentum slows down. YouContinue reading “Take Action Before Analyzing”

Be Able to Look Yourself in the Mirror

There is nothing better than looking in the mirror at the end of the day and being able to respect the person looking back at you. Most people are living their lives in two different ways: being deceitful to themselves, and being deceitful to others. Lying to yourself about who you are and what youContinue reading “Be Able to Look Yourself in the Mirror”

Add MORE to Your Plate to Combat Stress

In times of overwhelm, the common thought is to cut back. To remove things from your life. To start saying “no” to things. That’s not always the best way to deal with stress. The truth is, most of us are living far under our potential. We’re way under the level of stress, focus, and productivityContinue reading “Add MORE to Your Plate to Combat Stress”

How to Plan and Dominate 2019

This site is about the pleasure that comes from putting in hard work and focusing on leaving a legacy. This journey isn’t for most people. It’s one I find myself continually struggling with: the ease of comfort instead of the worthwhile journey of effort. 2018 is over. You can’t go back. Spend zero time feelingContinue reading “How to Plan and Dominate 2019”

How to Break Free From Technology and Cell Phone Addiction

If you’ve ever browsed /r/NoSurf or been on the internet for any length of time, you realize how common technology addiction is. The problem is that it’s so addicting as other types of addictions, but society doesn’t see it that way. We see “no smoking” signs everywhere, there are laws about alcohol across the world,Continue reading “How to Break Free From Technology and Cell Phone Addiction”