How to Plan and Dominate 2019

This site is about the pleasure that comes from putting in hard work and focusing on leaving a legacy. This journey isn’t for most people. It’s one I find myself continually struggling with: the ease of comfort instead of the worthwhile journey of effort. 2018 is over. You can’t go back. Spend zero time feelingContinue reading “How to Plan and Dominate 2019”

Staying Hungry When Life Is Tough

Life is tough. Period. Even people with vast amounts of privilege still have their battles. Buddhism has the rule of Dukkha, often translated to suffering. When you accept that suffering is a part of life, you can move forward. If you think everything is supposed to be “easy” and all forms of pain are “bad” thenContinue reading “Staying Hungry When Life Is Tough”

What Deserves Your Attention?

Everything wants your attention, but what deserves your attention? Everything in today’s world wants our eyeballs. The news makes us all terrified. Social media makes us afraid that we’re missing out. Another inflamed argument on Facebook grabs your attention. This is a never-ending loop we all fall into: reading things that don’t enhance our lives. Sure, it’s important toContinue reading “What Deserves Your Attention?”

A Legacy Is Found In The Thankless Work

  In a world that rewards people for bragging the most, I think it’s important to talk about doing the thankless work. The thankless work is the work done behind the scenes. The good things not caught on social media. The things that keep our society functioning and holds all our relationships together. Every good deed seemsContinue reading “A Legacy Is Found In The Thankless Work”

Your Life Is Judged By What You Complete

We all have good intentions. We intend to start working out. We intend to write that book. We intend to spend more time with our family. We intend to work hard. We intend to be happier. The thing is: If you died tomorrow, what would your legacy be? All the things you intended to do, orContinue reading “Your Life Is Judged By What You Complete”

Live A Life Defined By Your Own Values

While stress is rampant among today’s society, particularly among today’s youth, everyone wants to point at technology. It’s understandable, since my phone and e-mail seem to always be buzzing, but there’s another theory I’ve been thinking about that causes so much stress: Living life outside of our values. It’s not a flashy idea, but everyoneContinue reading “Live A Life Defined By Your Own Values”

Dealing With Stress: Use The 10/10/10 Rule

Stress is unavoidable. If you’re choosing to actively live the strenuous life, you will encounter many times when you feel so outside your comfort zone, that you’re not sure how you’ll handle it. You’ll stay up late with visions of failure. Your palms will sweat. You’ll feel like your whole world is caving in. The good newsContinue reading “Dealing With Stress: Use The 10/10/10 Rule”

Accepting Death Helps You Live Life

American culture completely rejects death. This is why the “anti-aging’ industry makes billions of dollars. We will do anything to hide from the fact that we only live a certain amount of years on this planet. For whatever reason, March was a crazy month. Things were piling up, my inbox was bursting at the seams,Continue reading “Accepting Death Helps You Live Life”

Welcome Your Struggles

Most of us are taught that life is better when we have less struggles, but I’ve learned over the past few years that embracing our struggles is important to living a fulfilling life. I have found that the more we avoid our problems, the more we struggle when we encounter them. There is a mentalContinue reading “Welcome Your Struggles”

50 Days Left in 2014

Mind blowing, right? 2014 went by faster than almost any other year before for me. This is the point where most people start slowing down, relaxing, buying eggnog and pie… However, if there are still big goals left on your list there is no reason you should be slowing down at this point. I wasContinue reading “50 Days Left in 2014”