Don’t Find Yourself, Create Yourself

Everyone seems to be on a mission to figure out who they are. With the rise of self-help books, magazines, tv shows, and seminars, there’s a lot of hype around “finding yourself”. They make all kinds of money on the idea that you’re not good enough and if you buy their book and go to their seminars you’llContinue reading “Don’t Find Yourself, Create Yourself”

Build Your Stamina For Life

When you want to get in shape, you’re aware that you must build your body through baby steps. You lift weights, do cardio, and make it progressively harder. But when it comes to the mind and our lives, we forget these principles. We think we can just wake up and be disciplined, committed, and focusedContinue reading “Build Your Stamina For Life”

Staying Hungry When Life Is Tough

Life is tough. Period. Even people with vast amounts of privilege still have their battles. Buddhism has the rule of Dukkha, often translated to suffering. When you accept that suffering is a part of life, you can move forward. If you think everything is supposed to be “easy” and all forms of pain are “bad” thenContinue reading “Staying Hungry When Life Is Tough”

Make The Required Sacrifice: The REAL Secret To Success

  In a world focused on constant “life hacks”, it’s hard to find tangible advice for success. Endless apps, Medium posts, YouTube videos, morning routines, blogs, “successful” people on Instagram showing off watches and cars they don’t actually own… The supply of bad advice is endless. The only real way to learn about success is from theContinue reading “Make The Required Sacrifice: The REAL Secret To Success”

Pick ONE Thing And Make It Right

Too many of us wait around to “find our passion” or “figure it out” instead of simply picking one idea and getting to work. As Elliott Hulse says (I’m paraphrasing): There is no right decision, you pick an idea and MAKE it right. Meaning, all of the options are generally equal, but it’s up to you toContinue reading “Pick ONE Thing And Make It Right”

Your Life Is Judged By What You Complete

We all have good intentions. We intend to start working out. We intend to write that book. We intend to spend more time with our family. We intend to work hard. We intend to be happier. The thing is: If you died tomorrow, what would your legacy be? All the things you intended to do, orContinue reading “Your Life Is Judged By What You Complete”

Live A Life Defined By Your Own Values

While stress is rampant among today’s society, particularly among today’s youth, everyone wants to point at technology. It’s understandable, since my phone and e-mail seem to always be buzzing, but there’s another theory I’ve been thinking about that causes so much stress: Living life outside of our values. It’s not a flashy idea, but everyoneContinue reading “Live A Life Defined By Your Own Values”

Welcome Your Struggles

Most of us are taught that life is better when we have less struggles, but I’ve learned over the past few years that embracing our struggles is important to living a fulfilling life. I have found that the more we avoid our problems, the more we struggle when we encounter them. There is a mentalContinue reading “Welcome Your Struggles”

50 Days Left in 2014

Mind blowing, right? 2014 went by faster than almost any other year before for me. This is the point where most people start slowing down, relaxing, buying eggnog and pie… However, if there are still big goals left on your list there is no reason you should be slowing down at this point. I wasContinue reading “50 Days Left in 2014”

You Can’t Think Your Way Out of Being Stuck

Success is a delicate balance of thinking and action. School taught us to analyze, to think, to dissect every single part of a problem to solve it. Sure, there is a time and a place for thinking, but it must never take the place of action, and it must certainly never happen before we take action. OurContinue reading “You Can’t Think Your Way Out of Being Stuck”