Be Able to Look Yourself in the Mirror

There is nothing better than looking in the mirror at the end of the day and being able to respect the person looking back at you. Most people are living their lives in two different ways: being deceitful to themselves, and being deceitful to others. Lying to yourself about who you are and what youContinue reading “Be Able to Look Yourself in the Mirror”

For A Successful 2017, Audit Yourself And Find A Purpose

There is a lot to be said for planning out a year. (If you still need to plan your year: this guide will help.) At a certain point, though, you can only add so many things into your life before you need to start subtracting to make room for all the new. One of theContinue reading “For A Successful 2017, Audit Yourself And Find A Purpose”

Live A Life Defined By Your Own Values

While stress is rampant among today’s society, particularly among today’s youth, everyone wants to point at technology. It’s understandable, since my phone and e-mail seem to always be buzzing, but there’s another theory I’ve been thinking about that causes so much stress: Living life outside of our values. It’s not a flashy idea, but everyoneContinue reading “Live A Life Defined By Your Own Values”